At its AGM on Sunday 30 June, members of the Piha Bowling Club voted 19 to 8 (with one abstention) not to go-ahead with co-location in a new building with the neighbouring Piha Tennis Club.
Instead the club will raise money to proceed with a $200,000 renovation which will involve removal of asbestos-cement roof and replacement with Coloursteel, replacement of wall cladding, minimal upgrades of men and women’s toilets, painting of the main room, with floor resanded and electrical upgrades. Dealing with, and replacing the asbestos is the main cost totalling $123,000.
The present building was opened in 1963.
A fund-raising committee will raise funds with the project expected to take some years.
New officers of the association were appointed:
President: not decided yet
Vice-President: not decided yet
Treasurer: Bobbie Carroll
Secretary: Julie Savage
Committee: Julia Woodhouse, Cath Ormrod, Sharon Kelly, Marie Trubuhovich, Viv Valentine, Geoff Wilkins (match convenor), Lyn Clark. Tony Scott is greenkeeper.