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Ornamental to detrimental lecture Prof Philip Hulme

Free lecture on threat pest plants pose to native forest. He is Chair in Plant Biosecurity Lincoln University Supported by Royal Society and Waitakere Ranges Local Board Titirangi War Memorial Hall 500 South Titirangi Road

The Way – film abt surfer Peter Way at Bowler

For ticketing information go to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-way-nz-tour-tickets-47410342611   Piha 8/24: Venue: Piha Bowling Club / 7pm Movie / 8:30 Q & A / 8:45pm Music by: The Bollands

Drop-In On-site wastewater bylaw Barnett Hall

I just wanted to give you some brief details on the above upcoming consultation due to be open for feedback from 1 August-31 August 2018.  This is the first of four bylaw review consultations due to take place between now and the end of the year. As this consultation deals with a bylaw, it has  [ Read More ]