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Domain macrocarpas to be protected from further harm

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Auckland Council is about to undertake work to protect the two macrocarpas in the Piha Domain, near the Bowling Club. These two macrocarpas are the remnants of a group of three planted by the Ness and Cowan families when they built a house here in the 1870s. Therefore the trees are around 140 years old. They are scheduled in the Waitakere City Council District Plan, meaning they are protected trees.

One of the two trees is in a serious condition, but arborists have advised Auckland Council that the declining tree is providing protection for the healthy tree and to remove it may inpact on the survivor. The decline of the tree is almost certainly due to root compaction caused by people walking over its roots, and cars driving and parking on the roots.

The Council is preparing to undertake the installation of permanent protective fencing around the two heritage macrocarpas. One of the trees is in decline (approx. only 20% live foliage exists) and the Council considers it is prudent to restrict access underneath the two trees to prevent parking within the dripline.  Please refer to the map which shows the location of the trees.

The fencing will be maximised to take in the entire canopy area of both trees where possible (not impinging on the driveway) and therefore a rubbish bin and several bollards will be relocated or removed.  The fence will be a continuation of the low post and half round fence which already exists at the site.

A vegetation alteration consent has been issued and the following conditions will be implemented at the completion of the installation of the fence:

Condition 11:  To spray out the fenced area and dripline of the trees shall be sprayed out with Round Up to kill the kikuyu grass and then the area will be mulched to a depth of 75mm.

Condition 14:  Ten native plants, of which five shall be trees are to be planted in appropriate locations within the fenced area to the west of the subject trees so as to effectively shelter the subject trees from prevailing winds.  Recommended species include: pohutukawa, kanuka, manuka, coastal karamu, kawakawa, mahoe, houpara and coastal flax.

At the completion of the fence installation the Council will erect signage to provide information about the historic value of the trees and and an explanation for the requirements of the fence.  We will be researching information for the sign in the coming weeks. If you have any information please forward this to Helen Biffin.

 This work is expected to be completed by the end of August 2011.

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Helen Biffin on 09 301 0101 ext 8758 or reply to helen.biffin@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.


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