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Taitomo island

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Taitomo Island, May 2011

Taitomo island is the only land on the West Coast still owned by the iwi, Te Kawerau a Maki. The name the iwi gave references the passage or tomo through the rock which is used by fisherman to fish off the rocks. Early settlers called Taitomo, Rabbit Island or Camel Rock because of its distinctive appearance from Piha beach.

Taitomo book-ends the southern end of Piha bay as Lion Rock book-ends its northern extend. These two matching islands are what give Piha its distinctive landscape.

Vegetation on Taitomo is sparce, reflecting its very exposed position swept by winds and salt spray. The main naturally occuring species are coastal herbs, pomaderris, toetoe and one of the five-fingers, pseudopanax lessonii. The pohutukawa are not naturally occuring but were planted by locals.

Taitomo Island about 1900 when it was called Rabbit Island

On the seaward side of Taitomo is the rocky fishing platform, Dawson’s Ledge, Wedding Cake rock and Nun Rock.

Categories: landmarks, Uncategorized

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